The Village Refill Blog

Beating the Winter Blues Naturally
With the cold grey days and shortage of sunlight, Autumn and Winter can be difficult in many ways. So, we thought we'd focus on a few of our favourite ways...
Beating the Winter Blues Naturally
With the cold grey days and shortage of sunlight, Autumn and Winter can be difficult in many ways. So, we thought we'd focus on a few of our favourite ways...

What is Mineral Makeup - and why choose it?
In this blog post, we will explore what mineral makeup is and why it is the best choice for your skin.
What is Mineral Makeup - and why choose it?
In this blog post, we will explore what mineral makeup is and why it is the best choice for your skin.

9 Sustainable Christmas Ideas
Amidst all that festive cheer, it’s important to remember Christmas can lead to a significant rise in waste. Here are some Christmas ideas to make your festive season greener.
9 Sustainable Christmas Ideas
Amidst all that festive cheer, it’s important to remember Christmas can lead to a significant rise in waste. Here are some Christmas ideas to make your festive season greener.

Make your own natural deodorant
Making your own home-made deodorant is fun, zero-waste, and you can make it right in your kitchen. It’s 100% natural, kinder for you, the planet and your purse!
Make your own natural deodorant
Making your own home-made deodorant is fun, zero-waste, and you can make it right in your kitchen. It’s 100% natural, kinder for you, the planet and your purse!

Bliss Ball Recipes - Easy Homemade Snacks
Simple and easy to make healthy Bliss Ball recipes that have inspired all to get busy in the kitchen.
Bliss Ball Recipes - Easy Homemade Snacks
Simple and easy to make healthy Bliss Ball recipes that have inspired all to get busy in the kitchen.

A little Fruity & Nutty way to take care of you...
Did you know there are some great tasting and easy ways to build on your natural immune system? We are now in full winter mode, with children back to school,...
A little Fruity & Nutty way to take care of you...
Did you know there are some great tasting and easy ways to build on your natural immune system? We are now in full winter mode, with children back to school,...