Fruit and Nuts

A little Fruity & Nutty way of taking better care of yourself.

Did you know there are some great tasting and easy ways to build on your natural immune system?

We are now in full winter mode, with children back to school, adults back to work and the festive season trailing ruefully in the rear-view mirror.

We really all should ensure we are getting plenty of the right things to boost our immune system. At the Village Refill we have put together a list of 6 dried fruits and nuts that are a great source of proteins, vitamins, minerals and are ideal for snacking. The really great thing is that they’re all in stock and ready to pick up from our store or deliver to your door.

1. Up first the Almond, small but mighty, it's rich in antioxidants, it has zero cholesterol and is great for your hair, skin, and teeth.

2. The second nut is the creamy tastin Cashew, which is rich in vitamin E + B6 and can be added to a verity of dishes.

3. The nutty delight of a Walnut is extremely nutritious, it's loaded with vital omega-3 fatty acids, protein, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, what a powerful little nut!

4. Now we move onto the dried fruit and the dehydrated grape we all call the Raisin, these can be eaten both sweet and savoury. They are known to help digestion.

5. The tasty Dates are used in a wide variety of dishes or can be eaten on their own. This dried fruit is rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals and natural sugar.

6. Last but no means least we have the colourful Apricot, did you know they provide 47% of your daily vitamin A? They are a good source of potassium, vitamin E, and are are also good for your skin, eyes and immune system.

As the new year is now upon us, one of our resolutions at The Village Refill is to take good care of ourselves and we’d love to help you do this.


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